Monster Media 1996 #14
Monster Media No. 14 (April 1996) (Monster Media, Inc.).ISO
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File List
183 lines
ASEM5112.ZIP 134645 01/23/96 [00] ASEM-51 v1.2. 8051 cross assembler for DOS,
+Intel syntax, 5 location counters, include
+files, conditional assembly, type checking,
+code optimization, predefined 8051 SFR
+symbols, 35 directly supported 8051
+derivatives, user-defined derivates.
ASETUP48.ZIP 138457 01/27/96 [00] Setup v4.8a <ASP> 17k FREE Setup bootstrap
+alternative to MS supplied program for
+Visual Basic. Also for use with other dev
+systems such as Delphi. Features full dialog
+box & error msg customisation, Windows file
+version checking, more.
CALLDLL.ZIP 124789 02/06/96 [00] CallDLL - 3 DLL's that allow you to do I/O
+on Micro Focus indexed (VSAM) files using
+REXX. The files can be ASCII or EBCDIC,
+fixed or variable.
CUSTHELP.ZIP 157530 02/09/96 [00] Customizing Windows Help. Tool for
+interactively altering the look and feel of
+Windows Help. Quickly set link colors to
+something more appealing than the default
+green. Force colored backgrounds to display.
DBWIN32.ZIP 151125 01/16/96 [00] DWin32 v1.0. Debug message catching utility
+for the Windows NT operating system. It can
+capture output generated by NT programs
+using the OutputDebug- String() function
+(TRACE under MFC).
DISASM32.ZIP 163461 01/16/96 [00] Visual Disasm32 v0.46. Symbolic Visual
+Disassembler for 32 Bits portables
+executables used by Win 95/NT and Win32s.
DLLXPO.ZIP 128225 02/07/96 [00] Dllxport provides automation of Def files
+for Dll creation. Created for use in afxdll
+development. Produces .Def files from C++
+Obj or Lib files. Class member functions
+which need to be exported are exported by
+their mangled names.
EW203.ZIP 1028499 02/20/96 [00] E! v2.03. The programmer's editor which
+supports any compiler. Syntax highlighting,
+function tagging and many original functions
+make this editor unique among the shareware
+text editors.
GAMDEV2.ZIP 459939 02/25/96 [00] GamDev2 for OS/2. PM Game development guide
+for finding more information relating to
+OS/2 PM game development. In OS/2 INF
HB108.ZIP 502136 01/21/96 [00] HelpBuilder v1.08 for Windows.
+Create/maintain help files; supports Topic
+pages, links and popup windows to other
+topics, keywords, browse sequences, bitmaps,
+fonts, colors, context identifiers, more.
HW16V210.ZIP 304505 02/02/96 [00] Hex Workshop v2.10. 16-bit Professional Hex
+Editor. File and disk editor which allows
+you to edit, insert, delete, cut, copy and
+paste hex. Additional features include goto,
+find, replace, compare, and checksum
HW32V210.ZIP 384975 02/02/96 [00] Hex Workshop v2.10. 32-bit version.
INSTAL11.ZIP 254146 01/17/96 [00] Install and Uninstall v1.1 for Windows.
+Application installer that will copy files,
+create Program Manager groups and icons, and
+can launch Notepad with a text file.
INTER49A.ZIP 361030 02/11/96 [00] MSDOS Interrupt List - Release 49.
+Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls,
+both documented and undocumented. Contains
+over 7800 entries (plus more than 3100
+tables), conversion programs to create
+hypertext databases and more! 1/7.
INTER49B.ZIP 361631 02/11/96 [00] MSDOS Interrupt List - Release 49. 2/7.
INTER49C.ZIP 360933 02/11/96 [00] MSDOS Interrupt List - Release 49. 3/7.
INTER49D.ZIP 262387 02/11/96 [00] MSDOS Interrupt List - Release 49. 4/7.
INTER49E.ZIP 350122 02/11/96 [00] MSDOS Interrupt List - Release 49.
+Miscellaneous Programs. 5/7.
INTER49F.ZIP 164871 02/11/96 [00] MSDOS Interrupt List - Release 49. WinHelp
+Utilities. 6/7.
INTER49Z.ZIP 48641 02/12/96 [00] MSDOS Interrupt List - Release 49. HC??
+phrases file (WINHELP compression info).
LDRU2016.ZIP 264256 01/03/96 [00] LDRSUtil.DLL v2.0. Utility library for VB,
+Delphi and other Windows languages.
+Features: Special FX, String compression,
+file archiving, encryption, CRCs, Disk
+functions, multimedia functions (for .wav,
+.avi, .mid, etc.) and more.
LIBKB049.ZIP 95295 03/25/96 [00] Free, advanced and portable low-level
+keyboard library for DOS and Linux. Allows
+access to ALL keys and ALL key combinations.
+Also handles Pause key and Control-Break.
+Practical getkey() interface for textual
OGRID116.ZIP 294521 01/05/96 [00] OOGrid Library v1.16. Library of objects for
+Turbo Vision that provides a simple
+spreadsheet for use in your applications;
+works w/ TP 6.0 & Borland/TP 7.0, and can be
+used to create real mode applications only.
PNP12.ZIP 105320 03/03/96 [00] Programmers Notepad v1.2 for OS/2 and
+Windows. Conversion between decimal,
+hexadecimal, octal and binary integers.
+ASCII table. Mathematical, logical, binary
PSETUP55.ZIP 346901 01/28/96 [00] Setup v5.5a Pro <ASP> 27k Setup bootstrap
+alternative to MS one for Visual Basic and
+other dev systems such as Delphi. Features
+full dialog box & error msg customisation
+(opt 3d & images), file version checking,
+setup log, more.
QFIX201.ZIP 260145 01/07/96 [00] QuickFix System v2.01 <ASP> Creates patch
+files. Generate compact update patch files
+for your software; multiple file support;
+the ability to update from any of a series
+of releases to the latest version; more.
SARG05.ZIP 55809 01/28/96 [00] Shareware Author's Resource Guide - 5th ed.
+Whether you're a veteran shareware author or
+just starting out, you'll find this concise,
+menu-driven guide extremely helpful to
+running a profitable shareware business.
SB400.ZIP 385356 01/08/96 [00] Setup Builder v4.0 for Windows. Compress
+disk distribution Setup program builder for
+Visual C, Visual Basic VB, VC++. Fully
+automated with optional components. Handles
+multiple disks / splitting, compression,
+modify .INI files, more!
SDPN6C.ZIP 90046 02/15/96 [00] Solution Developer Program News (Issue 3,
+February 15, 1996).
SHINST21.ZIP 55899 01/05/96 [00] Shareware Installer v2.1 for DOS and
+Windows. Custom screens; partial installs,
+upgrades, etc.; Installs large files
+spanning multiple disks; Checks disk space,
+conv. & ext. Memory, DOS ver., CPU, video
+card and monitor.
SHVEND16.ZIP 35612 01/06/96 [00] Shareware Vendor v1.6. Small, fast, and
+easily customizable installation program for
+vendors to distribute their shareware disks
+to end users. Installs self-extracting EXE's
+or ZIP files. Supports multiple files and
SMPLMAPI.ZIP 22706 01/17/96 [00] Example 32bit MAPI class application.
+Besides encapsulating the API, the class
+handles the loading and unloading of the
+MAPI DLL (16 or 32 bit), shielding of some
+reserved parameters and of course a lot of
+error checking.
SPY321A0.ZIP 343192 03/08/96 [00] Socket Spy/32 for Win 95. Trace/ debugging
+system designed for developers of Winsock
+v1.1 communications applications. It
+provides tracing capabilities for monitoring
+API Socket calls between the application and
+the communications system.
SVI313C.ZIP 199243 01/06/96 [00] SVInstal v3.13c for Windows. Developer's
+installation utility. Installs files,
+creates program group, inserts icons. Fast
+and easy to use, supports multi-disk (no
+file splitting), file compression and screen
VSRC15.ZIP 555464 01/15/96 [00] Visible:Source v1.5 for Windows. Developers'
+code listings repository. Provides a storage
+and cataloging system for code fragments or
+listings from different projects. Source
+items may be copied and pasted to/from
+projects and files.
W32DASM.ZIP 378058 02/19/96 [00] W32Dasm for Win 95. Program Disassembler
+utility for programmers. Produces an
+assembly language listing of 32 Bit Windows
+programs that are in the (PE) Portable
+Executable Format.
WDJ0296.ZIP 242803 01/02/96 [00] Windows/DOS Developers Journal February
WDJ0396.ZIP 263322 02/05/96 [00] Windows/DOS Developers Journal March 1996.
WIPDEV.ZIP 41683 02/25/96 [00] Developers' Kit for the Windows Interface
+Protocol. The new graphics standard for
+online services used by Powerboard BBS (NuIQ
+Software), MindWire (Durand Communications),
+TBBS (eSoft, Inc.) with more to come!
XLIB60.ZIP 262713 01/22/96 [00] XLIB v6.0. Library of procedures which can
+greatly simplify protected mode programming
+under DOS. Provides the simplest and most
+reliable method for accessing extended
+memory from real mode languages. Tutorial on
+protected mode is included.
ZAPIT307.ZIP 47469 01/02/96 [00] Zap-It v3.97. Hex file/disk editor includes
+lots of features like Search any text,
+Search specific text, Replace/ Cut/ Copy/
+Paste/ Calculator/ Start, new file/ Jump/
+Menus and lots more.